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My Musings/ My Poetry

My thoughts, my feelings, my ups, my downs...

Early Mornings


Early mornings,

As I awake, words and visions float about my head
Again, and again, and again.
Words and visions of great import and revelation…
But the pen is never within reach
And the paper has danced away
And as I move swiftly,
Swiftly about…
To gather the tools,
To witness my brilliance
I forget all….
So pen in hand
Paper in hand
Nothing to record.
The pen and paper laugh
Again, and again, and again
At their daily, silly game





Yes I Have Won


Yes I have won….
The pen and paper have been captured……
Captured in time to write it all down.
But I can only hold on to the thoughts
That are original to me…
But they are enough
To share with you……
So share I will

On the Edge of Suicide with an Angel on my Shoulder


The darkness of the night swallows me
And then regurgitates me
Into the light of the day.
This game, the night and I
Play over and over.
I am tired, tired, tired
But no time to rest
Not yet…
Too much to do
Too much to accomplish
Too much to share with the world.
Can not give up……..
I struggle…
I want to give into the night….
So tired, so tired
My angel smiles.
Did I not understand.
That even though
I sit on the edge………
She, my angel is always there…
There for and with me
So here I sit on the edge of suicide
With an angel on my shoulder.
I am protected
I am loved
I will survive
With my angel on my shoulder

My New Bedroom


My new bedroom, has not allowed the darkness in
There is always light
Sunlight again.
My new bedroom, allows me just enough darkness
To rest and sleep,
But will not let the darkness
Strangle me and stuff me out.
I do not fear in this bedroom
I know I will awaken
I do not experience  the deep dark struggle
Of a fearful mind,
In this bedroom.
I shine in light, I am fire
I excel in light, I am fire
Darkness has been haunting me
I fight the devil in the darkness
He has been trying to steal my soul
And rejoices in the constant dark, dark struggle
But I am fire, I am light and I fight back
My angle is a fire angle and she fights back
She wants me to stay in light
I want to be in the light
We together fight back
He wants to extinguish me
And inhale my soul
So we three are in constant battle,
Me, my angle, and He.
I am on the edge of suicide
With An Angle On My Shoulder.
She smiles onto me gently,
But sometimes must use her strength
And force me back into the light
He scowls and grunts and disappears
Only to come back again
In old dark bedrooms,
That I must struggle and flee
And I flee from bedrooms that are dark
Bedrooms, that let no light in…
My new bedroom is safe
The light never escapes my new Pink bedroom.
As the sun lowers and bows to the west…..
The gentle stirrings of the melodic wind,
Slivers between the blinds
She allows the fleeting light to float into my new bedroom.
The street light,
The moon light,
The starlight
All play crawly games thru the blinds
They surprise me with their gentle exit lights.
My light, my fire light joins them
And my angle smiles her heavenly light over us
And we play restful, happy games of joy and rest and trust.
Me, my angle and they
My new bedroom does not let the darkness in….
My new bedroom is pink.

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